
Summer Bible Readings 2024

Monday 15th July

Read Matthew 1:1-25

What does Matthew impress upon his readers about Jesus’ identity?

Tuesday 16th July

Read Matthew 2:1-12

Contrast King Herod with the magi.


Wednesday 17th July

Read Matthew 2:13-23

How do the angels and the fulfilments make us praise God?

Thursday 18th July

Read Matthew 3:1-17

List all the bits of information about who Jesus is …

Friday 19th July

Read Matthew 4:1-11

How does Jesus show he is the true and only Son, where Israel wasn’t?

Monday 22nd July

Read Matthew 4:12-25 

Who can this man be?

Tuesday 23rd July

Read Matthew 5:1-10

Trace the actions of believers and the actions of our Father God: describe a believer’s attitude …

Wednesday 24th July

Read Matthew 5:11-20

What does Kingdom citizenship look like?

Thursday 25th July

Read Matthew 5:21-32

Jesus fulfils the Law, so he has the right to say … What direction was it always pointing in? a)

Friday 26th July

Read Matthew 5:33-48

Jesus fulfils the Law, so he has the right to say … What direction was it always pointing in? b)

Monday 29th July

Read Matthew 6:1-18

What do we learn about how to relate to our heavenly Father in a way that pleases him?

Tuesday 30th July

Read Matthew 6:19-24

How does our attitude toward possessions/money affect our relationship with God?

Wednesday 31st July

Read Matthew 6:25-34

List the reasons Jesus gives for not worrying. What should we do instead?

Thursday 1st August

Read Matthew 7:1-12

Verse 7 encourages us to pray to our heavenly Father. Look at the rest of this passage (and the whole Sermon on the Mount!): what sorts of things should we be asking for?

Friday 2nd August

Read Matthew 7:13-28

What does this whole passage say about how we can identify those who are on “the way ... that leads to life”?

Monday 5th August

Read Matthew 8:1-22

What six aspects of Jesus' character do we find here?

Tuesday 6th August

Read Matthew 8:23-9:13

What are the four different responses to following Jesus and how are demons dealt with?

Wednesday 7th August

Read Matthew 9:14-34

Compare Jesus’ critics with those who receive his healing power.

Thursday 8th August

Read Matthew 9:35-10:31

Who does Jesus send his disciples to and how do they face the wolves?

Friday 9th August

Read Matthew 10:32-42

What are the three painfully honest costs that true disciples must face?

Monday 12th August

Read Matthew 11:1-24

What is the opposite to responding to what is seen and heard?

Tuesday 13th August

Read Matthew 11:25-12:14

Who are those who find true "rest"?

Wednesday 14th August

Read Matthew 12:15-50

How do Israel’s teachers contrast with the prophesied Servant?

Thursday 15th August

Read Matthew 13:1-23

Who will understand the Kingdom? a)

Friday 16th August

Read Matthew 13:24-52

Who will understand the Kingdom? b)

Monday 19th August

Read Matthew 13:53-14:21

Contrast the responses to Jesus.

Tuesday 20th August

Read Matthew 14:22-36

Describe the Son of God …

Wednesday 21st August

Read Matthew 15:1-20

What does it mean to honour Jesus with lips and hearts?

Thursday 22nd August

Read Matthew 15:21-39

Describe the people who are helped …

Friday 23rd August

Read Matthew 16:1-20

Who can really read the sign?


Read Matthew 16:21-17:13

What does Matthew show of the King and his Kingdom?


Read Matthew 17:14-27

Consider the true faith of Jesus’ family members.


Read Matthew 18:1-14

What are the obstacles to greatness in the Kingdom of heaven?


Read Matthew 18:15-20

What are the obstacles to unity in the people of God?


Read Matthew 18:21-35

What are the obstacles to forgiveness?

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For more information, please do get in touch with the Church office on 01892 540897
