


We are very grateful to God for providing for our needs at St John's. There are significant expenses in running both the church and church centre and each year we have to meet the challenges of raising sufficient funds to cover these costs. 

How can you provide financial support for God's work at St John's?

However you give, if you are a tax payer, please complete the online Gift Aid form in the section below.

For information about the Church Family Support Fund, please click here.

Debit or Credit Card

You can give a one-off or regular payment with your Debit or Credit card using the "Donate" button below. 

Standing Order

The majority of the church family use a form of regular giving, mostly by standing order. The advantage of this is that it enables both you and the church treasurer to budget accordingly, and it means that you give on a regular basis.

Many people prefer to set this up themselves by online or telephone banking and the details you need to do this are:

Bank:CAF Bank Ltd

PO Box 289
Kings Hill
West Malling
Kent, ME19 4TA

Sort Code:   40-52-40
Account name:   St John’s Church Tunbridge Wells PCC General Fund
Account number:   00011249

If however you are not in a position to set up a standing order yourself please complete this form and then print, sign and send to our Giving Secretary, Simon Curtis.

Online Bank Payment

You may prefer to give by online bank payment, especially if you wish to give periodically or vary the amounts you are able to provide. Please use the bank details on the attached standing order form, giving your name as the reference, so we can recognise the payments.


An alternative to online payment may be made by text. Just enter STJN14 and the amount £[ ]. Then send the text to 70070. Please remember that your donation will appear on your next monthly mobile bill.


We are also always happy to accept cash (or cheques) – there are offering boxes at the back of the church at the end of every service.

Gift Aid

We strongly recommend that you consider giving through Gift Aid if you are a UK tax-payer. A simple online declaration form is here, which will allow St John's to reclaim the tax (worth an extra 25%) on all standing order and online bank payments. If you give by text, you will receive an option to elect to apply for Gift Aid. Similarly, if you make a cash offering, please use the donation envelopes in the church and complete the Gift Aid declaration on the envelope.


The latest set of accounts can be downloaded and viewed here

Further information

If you want to talk further with anyone about the best way for you to give, or if you give already and are thinking of amending your gift or changing the way you give, please contact:

Contact us

For more information, please do get in touch with the Church office on 01892 540897
